
Housewives Holding Weapons

06 Jul 1950, Viers Mill Village, Maryland, USA — Packing Mamas Round Up Marauders. Viers Mill Village, MD. : Pistol-packing mamas of Viers Mill Village, Washington D.C., suburb, terrorized by night marauders for 3 weeks, rounded up four men in gun-fire studded chase early today. Wielding rifles, pistols, knives and baseball bats, the aroused housewives had the intruders begging for mercy when police reached the battlefield. Shown (L-R): Mrs. Mary Schultz, holding a .45; Mrs. Doris Young, carrying a butcher knife; Mrs. Martha Newell with rifle, and Mrs. Warren Leigh, wielding a baseball bat. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

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