Even today, when truthful information can be found with a few mouse clicks, on the internet, there still remains much confusion and misinformation, also blatantly hostile propaganda, about the Third Reich.
For instance, many still believe the Third Reich resemble the dystopian society from “Fahrenheit 451”, the novel by Ray Bradbury, where books were considered dangerous and would have to be burned once discovered.
On the 10th of May, 1933, the German “Studentenschaft” (Student’s Association), led by the “Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund” (NSDStB), organized public burning of books, in Berlin, and 21 other German cities with universities. Students, Professors, and members of NS-organizations threw a number of books into the fire. This was a symbolic cleansing of University Libraries, concerning the works of Jewish, Marxist, and Liberal writers. Their books were removed from the University libraries, because they did not express the German spirit that was supposed to be the guiding force, of education too, in the Third Reich from there on. Contrary to popular belief, there was never a systematic and on-going campaign of burning books all over Germany, nor was the possession of certain books ever penalized by law.
The burning of books was a symbolic act that took place one time only, and this incident meant to show the catharsis and rebirth of Germany in terms of University Education, among others. Germans in the Third Reich were not afraid of books, nor were they afraid of the writings of their opponents, for that matter. Books were burned only once, in an act of symbolic defiance and not in an act of paranoid persecution.
– Written by Hyperb0rean
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